Schedule Update

I am sitting in Switzerland in the beautiful home of my Workaway host and I wanted to share a schedule update. I have been here volunteering here since August 5th. It has been a wonderful experience and I am glad I took a chance on Workaway.

Since I have been here I have done some serious travel planning. I was contacted by Angloville through Workaway asking me if I would be interested in doing an immersive English program with them. After some thought, research and an interview I decided it would be a great opportunity so on August 22 I am flying to Poland to do an immersive English Camp until August 31st. Most of my time will be spent practicing English one on one with someone from Poland. I think I will meet some wonderful people and really enjoy it.

Then the I am throwing a curveball and doing another Workaway back in the states. I will be in Maine from September 2nd-12th working on a berry and mixed vegetable farm. I have always wanted to go to Maine and I will be a couple of hours from Acadia National Park which is high on my travel list. I was always planning to come home in September between time in Europe and Asia so this is only a small departure.

On August 13th I will head to Kansas City for my 30th High School reunion and then head to Lawrence to crash with Jared for a week. He is thrilled I have chosen to stay with him in his new off-campus house. September 21st is Parent’s Day at KU and then I will head to Colorado with DeeDee who will meet me in Lawrence. In Colorado, we will celebrate DeeDee’s birthday.

I plan to head to Asia around October 5th but those plans are not yet done.
It feels great to have so much planned and all of the necessary transportation and lodging scheduled.

Thanks to these gigs with Workaway from August 4-September 12th I will only be paying for lodging for 3 nights. It is a great way to see the world.

I hope to see you if our paths will be crossing during this time.