A September Update

I have been putting off writing this for months. I planned to write a blog right after I returned home in January. Then I went back to work, and time just kept moving. Plus, I was uncertain what to write about. I made a huge decision (more on that to come) and that answered the question of where to start writing…and still I did not write. March came and the world changed.

On March 13th I had a full knee replacement and it was the last day that Colorado State University was open for “normal” operations due to Covid-19. While I focused on recovery, I watched in horror as the virus spread quickly around the world and particularly fast in the United States. My travel experiences felt a million miles away at that point, yet it had only been a few months. The world was so different, and still I did not write. I didn’t write because I was scared. I was scared that my life of adventure was over, and I was stuck back in a life of the same old routine’s day in and day out. The truth is I am still scared but I am ready to write.  

So, now it’s September and I am finally writing. Way back at the end of January I made the huge decision to resign as the Director of Campus Activities. I still loved doing the work and at the same time I knew in my heart it was time to move on. My resignation was effective on June 30, 2020. My plan was to cut way back on expenses, drive for Lyft and travel. Even better would be to find some work abroad. It seemed like a solid, if somewhat risky, plan in January. Then Covid-19 came along. Now it seemed like an awful plan. I knew that resigning was still the right thing to do but now I was scared…really scared. My supervisor at CSU offered me the opportunity to continue to do project work as an hourly employee. I am so grateful that this amazing opportunity was presented to me. I continue to do meaningful work for CSU with a flexible schedule while also pursuing other ideas for where my next adventure will take me.

Adventure #1: I am excited to facilitate 3 sessions regarding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for the Location Indie community I have grown to love and cherish. This opportunity allows me to continue to pursue my passion regarding equity work while having the conversation in a space with fellow travelers and folks pursuing a location independent lifestyle.

Adventure #2: I have heard the saying that when one door closes another opens but I have never experienced it so directly as a I did recently. I was approached by Colin, the owner/operator of my favorite Fort Collins restaurant Jay’s Bistro, about becoming a partner in the business and leading some strategic thinking and event planning work for the bistro. I was so flattered to be asked that it took me awhile to realize I was also really excited about pursuing this new adventure. On August 3rd I officially started working for Jay’s. My first big project is creating and implementing a plan to develop a clearly articulated Vision, Mission and shared set of Values. I love this sort of work and getting to do this for Jay’s is a dream come true.  I plan to make a small investment in Jay’s meaning I will be an owner of a tiny piece of my favorite restaurant. It is a scary time in the restaurant world but I am confident that Jay’s will survive this current storm and thrive when we get to the other side. I am also designing ways to combine my love of travel with creating special events for Jay’s.

So, here I am without a full-time job doing some work at CSU that is familiar and I feel confident doing while simultaneously taking on exciting new challenges. Travel is still right there at the top of my list although I know right now is not the time to pursue that dream. So instead, I will reflect on my past travels, keep in touch with some of the amazing people I met along the way (you know who you are,) and make plans for how I can responsibly renter my life as a traveler when the time is right.

Workaway: My Swiss Adventure

I am just finishing up my first Workaway experience in Switzerland and wanted to share my reflections, plus some things to consider for those wondering if this type of travel could be for you. My first experience was in Schwarzenburg, which is half an hour by train from the Swiss capital, Bern. You can check out the description on this specific Workaway here

Overall Experience 

I have loved my first Workaway experience. It was a great way to figure out if Workaway and volunteering in exchange for lodging and (sometimes) food was going to work for me as a traveler. While this setup may not work for everyone, for me it has been a cool new way to spend some time in a beautiful country. I have done work that made meaningful contributions to my host, explored a new area, saved money by not having to spend on lodging or food, and most importantly, I have felt accepted and invited to join my host family. This host-traveler interaction is one of the biggest differences from my traditional solo travel, and it’s also turned out to be one of my most rewarding experience so far. 

Host Family

My host is Monika. She has three boys ages 13, 15, & 17, and her mother lives in a connected apartment. They are a wonderful family and I feel very fortunate that my first Workaway experience was with them. They are kind and very excited to host travelers from around the world in their home. Based on my experiences with them, I’m trying to figure out how we might be able to host volunteers back in Fort Collins once I return home. 

One particular thing I am really grateful for is that Monika was so willing to share the area with me. We did a wonderful hike and visited the Ballenberg Swiss Open-Air Museum. It was spectacular to explore some of Switzerland’s countryside and history with them, and was a much richer experience than if I had been venturing out alone. 

The Work

While I have been here, I’ve done a wide variety of work, mainly in their garden and yard. I now consider myself a weed-puller of the highest order. I even enjoyed mowing their small yard, which is not something I typically like doing. I have done a few small carpentry projects that have been really satisfying and allowed me to challenge myself in ways I did not expect. I have cooked for the family and folded laundry, and have tried to help in any way I could. Overall, I had a lot more fun doing these things than I could have anticipated and ended up surprising myself with how enjoyable it all turned out.

Before Weeding
After weeding, removing rocks, putting down weed barrier and replacing rocks

The Location 

Switzerland is fantastic and I have to come back to explore more. I arrived in Bern to stay a few days before starting my Workaway, and immediately had the feeling that it was a city where I could live. The Aare River runs right through Bern and swimming in it is something I will never forget. The mix of old warm charm and sleek modernism is very attractive to me. 

The Aare River, beautiful color and beautiful sound!
University of Bern

Schwarzenburg is a beautiful area of rolling hills with access to the Swiss Alps in just under an hour by car. It is a small, quiet village that is filled with green, natural beauty. I have swum in two rivers and a lake and loved all of them. 

View from the deck of my host’s house
House in Schwarzenburg…I could live here.
It is so green
Trümmelbach Falls (at least one of the TEN waterfalls at this site)
The Eiger from Grindelwald
I love Switzerland!!!

Switzerland is a small country with a wonderful train service so getting around is easy. It is also a VERY expensive country so this affordable and convenient local travel made it that much better. Thanks to their excellent infrastructure and Workaway, I have been able to enjoy so many incredible experiences and spent less money here than any of my other stops. 

Should You Consider Workaway

My first Workaway experience exceeded my expectations, and I am excited to use it in my traveling toolbox going forward. But this approach to traveling might not work for everyone. If you’re wondering if it might work for you, here are some realistic things to consider:

– If you don’t mind working hard while you are traveling…

– If you are willing to talk about expectations and work to fully understand what is expected of you…

– If you want to travel to new places and you are on a budget…

– If you like meeting new folks and interacting with people a lot while you travel…

– If you don’t mind creating a strong profile and selling yourself a little when you message potential hosts…

– If you are open to new experiences and are willing to be flexible if things are different than you expected…

– If you like sharing meals with people (and understand this may not be true in all locations)…

– And if you will take the time to fully read the description of the opportunity BEFORE messaging a potential host…

… then Workaway might be just what you are looking for. 

I went into this not knowing exactly what to expect, and while that initially gave me some anxiety, now at the end of it I am so grateful that I took a chance on opening myself up to new experiences. It was so wonderful that I hope to be able to provide this opportunity to other travelers once I’m back at home (with DeeDee’s blessings, of course). This certainly built up my confidence in being able to travel this way and has only gotten me even more excited for my next volunteering travel adventures to come. 

If you have any questions or want to talk more about Workaway feel free to email me at wrightus@gmail.com.

Two Weeks to Go and I Feel…Scared

This past week has had a much different feel. The excitement of past weeks spent browsing destinations and undiscovered experiences has now faded to a background hum. I am scared about what lies ahead. Anxiety about many things swirls around in my mind.

What if I don’t like my destinations? What if I have not planned enough? What if I have planned too much and I miss a great spontaneous opportunity? What if I get sick while I travel? What if there is political unrest where I visit? That’s just being cautious, right? There have been multiple political protests in Tirana, Albania, after all…

What if… what if… what if?

I have noticed the amount of time I spend in worry is greater than the amount of time I spend in excitement. Negative judgments cloud my day with the voice in my head saying:

“I mean, who am I to take 7 months off work and travel?”

“I don’t deserve to do this.”

“I am not enough.”

“I don’t deserve to focus on me.”

Then, I pause. I try to quiet this harsh voice while balancing the fact that I have so many things that allow me to do this. I have the support of my family, my friends, my workplace, and I have unearned privilege from my social identities that make solo travel accessible to me.

The reality is that I don’t deserve this more than anyone else. My hope is that by doing this I help others see that they deserve it, too. I also hope to call attention to the inequality that still exists for others. That is why I am sharing my story here, even (especially) the parts that aren’t so easy to admit.

So, it has been a long week. This next week we move, and I know that is causing some of my anxiety, too. I have one week to “settle” into our new house and then off I go. I get on a plane and this adventure begins.

As I look around our house at how much packing we still have to do, the voice starts up again. “There is no way this will all happen.”

Then I quiet the voice and know this is totally going to happen whether I am ready or not. Whether my loose ends are tied up or not, this is already set in motion.

This is what I wanted. It’s happening now.

My plan is to lean into the fear, experience the anxiety, and take the ups with the downs. I will allow myself to question my decisions, but I won’t get stuck there.

I will hold onto to the fact that I know this is the right thing for me to do. I know this is the right time. I won’t let my fear stop me from feeling excitement.

I feel scared, but I know deep down that I am fine.

Gratitude: A Love Letter

I have a lot of people I need to say thank you to.

There are so many people who have supported me and propped me up as I move toward this once in a lifetime adventure. Friends and family who have encouraged me. The people I work with how are taking on extra responsibility. People online who I have not yet met in person but who have greatly impacted my life. A son, Jared, who makes me so proud and who has encouraged my adventure every step of the way.

I want to say thank you to all those people and many more. As I continue along my journey, I aim to do that. I will try to thank people who have been influencing my life for years and those who I meet along the way. I will endeavor, and may fail often, to live in a state of gratitude as I move through my journey.

While I have many to thank, for right now, I want to thank one person: my partner and my friend, DeeDee.

DeeDee and I have been married for nearly 24 years. I will be traveling on our next anniversary, August 5th. We have had ups and downs. We have experienced great joy together and supported each other through tragedies, both expected and unexpected.

What you need to know is that DeeDee and I are an example of opposites attracting. I am spontaneous and like to take risks, while DeeDee is a planner and would prefer to be cautious. I can be an emotional volcano, DeeDee is measured and thoughtful. I like to argue and fight, DeeDee does not like to do this (and that is all I’m gonna say about that).

DeeDee is smart, very smart. She is pursuing a PhD and she’s great at it. She loves education, and while I really like education, I don’t want to spend another day in the classroom as a student. And yet, with all our differences, DeeDee is my person. I depend on her and I hope she feels like she can depend on me.

She is the reason I am able to have this adventure. I have been restless and wanted to travel for some time. I have wanted to quit my job and walk away. I have asked DeeDee to come with me, but the thing is, traveling for an extended period of time is not her dream—it is my dream. We have talked and argued about this at length, and ultimately DeeDee supported me to go and pursue my dream.

She has been willing to get on board with my travel even though I know for her it is difficult that I will be gone for 7 months. She has hung in there with me when I scheduled a photographer to take pictures of our house to put on the market when it was a wreck. Yet, in less than a week she and I got it ready and looking great. In the end, together, we sold our house and will move a week before I start traveling. This is just one example of my spontaneity posing a challenge for her, but it speaks to a larger trend.

There are so many specific things big and small I could thank her for as it relates to my preparation for this trip. Instead, I want to focus (not a strong suit for me) and thank her for two important things.

First, I want to thank her for being the best mother I know. When I think about being a parent, she is my idol. She is so good at it and has so much love for Jared. I cannot imagine parenting with another human being. She is so naturally a mom. On her good days and even her bad, she is a mom.

Jared, if you are reading this (and you better be reading it) I hope you have some small comprehension of how great DeeDee is to you. I realize you can’t yet fully understand it but just know that you hit the jackpot!

I hit the jackpot as well. There is nothing more important we have done together than raising Jared and I am lucky to have my parenting mentor as my partner.

The other thing I want to thank her for is loving me. She loves me more than anyone. Her love is unconditional and even when I don’t deserve it, I know it will be there. I don’t believe in soulmates and I don’t believe in “the one”. What I do believe is that being in a relationship is a choice and for over 24 years, DeeDee has made the choice to love me. My background makes trust hard for me so I have often wondered if she will keep loving me.

The short simple answer is yes.

So, as I prepare to leave for 7 months, I know with certainty that when I come back to Fort Collins, love will be here waiting for me. DeeDee’s unwavering love is why I can travel, put my fear aside and pursue my dream.

Thank you, DeeDee, for helping me live out a dream, even when the dream has a high cost for you. I hope this adventure makes me a better person and I hope it helps me to be a better partner for you. I guess what I hope most of all is that this trip makes me a little bit more like you. I love you DeeDee.

Testing Sangria…red or white? Both Please!

One Month to go and I Feel Fine

I am a month away from beginning my 7 months of travel. I am feeling…about 1,000 different things. First let me give you context for what the next month will look like. DeeDee and I are selling our house, buying a new one AND moving all before I leave on June 2. I am writing this sitting in Breckenridge, Colorado enjoying a long weekend away and wondering why the hell am I taking a long weekend away when we have so much to do. Oh yeah we also get to drive to Lawrence, KS to pick up the offspring after his first year at the University of Kansas. Work. There is also work. I need to prepare everything so all the people who will be working harder so I can gallivant around the world will be set up for success while I am gone. I am sure this is shocking but I am struggling to focus at work as well. So this month is going to be a whirlwind of excitement and stress.

View from our deck in Breckenridge.

So how do I feel? I feel excited, stressed, guilty, giddy, uncertain, grateful, scared out of my mind, joyous, satisfied, like I might be losing my mind and I am sure a few other things as well. That is a lot to hold and sometimes I feel like it all might just come out at once like when a star dies and forms a black hole…I know that is really dramatic, but I mean in terms of a metaphor I do think it is a winner.

All the feelings.

Travel planning is both stressful and fun. I experience a great amount of satisfaction when I book a flight, a room or an activity. I also experience stress about whether I got the best price and whether I am maximizing my loyalty points. I am a novice travel hacker and I always have a nagging voice in the back of my head asking if I did it right. I mean, I am fortunate enough to be able to travel for 7 months so really how wrong can I get it. That being said the voice in my head telling me I screwed up is very strong and persistent.

I do know a few things about my trip so let me share them with you. I fly to Frankfurt Germany on Sunday June 2nd and arrive on the morning of June 3rd. I decided to use some Hilton Honors points and stay 3 nights in the Hilton Garden Inn that is connected to the airport. I have never been to Germany so why not explore. On June 6th I fly to Tirana, Albania and have an Airbnb booked until the 13th. My goal is to explore as much as I can. From June 13th-24th I was supposed to be working at a hostel in Sarande in exchange for free room and board. I found this using the Workaway site. This morning I found out that the workaway fell through so I have a week and a half to explore Albania. This was a good reminder that when travelling flexibility is important. I am bummed out but not discouraged. DeeDee and Jared will fly to Dubrovnik, Croatia on June 25th and we will spend some time exploring Croatia and then Greece. That is what I know for now and it seems like a enough. I have some planning done for Asia in the fall but that is another blog. Just a little spoiler to let you know I am doing a River Cruise in Myanmar with Kara & Nate (if you don’t know who they are go to YouTube right now and find out). Mostly I wanted to share that because there is still room on the cruise and I am sure YOU should join us.

So as Michael Stipe once said about the end of the world…this is the beginning of my new world and I feel fine!